REDFISH would like to thank the community partners (i.e. Balfour Covenant Church, Safeway, and the NDCU) who made this year’s REDFISH family hamper program possible!
As we leave November behind us and move into December toward the winter break and the half-way point in the school year, it's a great time to reflect on the past three months and how school communities and SD8 as a whole are supporting each child in their learning journey.
The REDFISH community gathered for its annual Remembrance Day Assembly yesterday morning. It was great to be able to share time together in intentional reflection. Lest we forget!
It's my pleasure to share this month's happenings across our school communities. Throughout the early fall months, students have engaged in a wide variety of learning activities and events from marking Métis Awareness Month by putting up a teepee and examining what learnings come from that process, to incredible Halloween costumes and spirit that delighted staff, students and families.
REDFISH was brimming with creativity and community today as folks dressed up for the annual costume parade this morning. Students also enjoyed a fantastic afternoon of station activities hosted by the industrious GR6/7 students of Ms.
The REDFISH Garden Project took some big steps forward this fall with help and support from Harrop-Procter Forest Products (lumber), Thimble Hill Nursery (garden design), Don Renzie Holdings (augering), and SD8 Operations (post installation, c
The SCHOLASTIC Book Fair has landed at REDFISH and will be open in the LIBRARY during parent-teacher conferences from 1:00 PM – 6:30 PM today and 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM tomorrow.