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School Supplies PAYMENT ($40)

Mark Bonikowsky

Along with all elementary schools across SD8, REDFISH Elementary School pre-purchased school supplies on behalf of its families for the 2023/2024 school year. The amount was set at $40 per student in the spring, in concertation with SD8 and RPAC. At this point, REDFISH Elementary School needs to recoup the $40 per student from REDFISH families.

If you have not already done so, please submit your payments through the ‘Make a Payment’ feature on the REDFISH school website. For those unable to pay online, please visit Jessica in the front office to pay by credit card, cheque (Redfish Elementary School), or cash (exact change, please). We would like to have all payments in by Thursday, September 21.

If this payment presents a hardship for your family, please contact me directly at to work out a plan.