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Principal's MESSAGE (January 26, 2024)


Dear REDFISH Families,

I would like to start by taking a moment to say ‘thank you’ for all the support we receive from our parent (and grandparent) community across a variety of contexts. As mentioned before, you are all key stakeholders in your children’s school experiences… and in the broader school community in general. As we wrap-up a soggy late-January week, here are some bits and bytes as we look ahead to next week…


REDFISH enjoys a healthy community partnership with the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL) non-profit organization. To celebrate ‘literacy week’ this week, REDFISH X CBAL kicked off Monday afternoon with a school-wide event where students rotated through six different stations in their school teams. The event was a success thanks to the collaborative efforts of REDFISH Librarian, Ms. Heddon, and Julie Poetsch from CBAL… and the additional support of school staff!


Today was jam-packed with a variety of special events…


Homeroom 4 visited Hume Elementary this morning to take part in SD8’s intermediate volleyball tournament. As always, the REDFISH Kokanee rolled in and rolled out with their trademark winning combination of smiles, skills, serves, and spikes.


Homeroom 5 enjoyed a fantastic time together on the slopes of Whitewater today. For some, it was their first downhill skiing experience.


The remaining homerooms were awed by up-close-and-personal presentations from Conservation Officer, Nathan Smienk, this morning at REDFISH. For ‘show and tell’, Officer Smienk brought along some remarkable samples from a variety of animals ranging from wolves to cougars to grizzly bears to elk to Bighorn sheep.    


Please note that the fundraiser deadline has been extended to Tuesday, January 30, 2024. Please submit order forms and payments at your earliest convenience… and no later than Tuesday morning. Thank you to those who have already ordered and paid!



JANUARY 27 (International Holocaust Remembrance Day)

FEBRUARY 2 (REDFISH Swims | Morning)

FEBRUARY 7+8 (HR5’s 'Ancient Civilizations Museum Exhibit' | Library | 1:15 PM)

FEBRUARY 9 (REDFISH Swims | Morning)

FEBRUARY 16 (School PRO-D Day | No School)

FEBRUARY 19 ('Family Day' Statutory Holiday)

FEBRUARY 23 (REDFISH Swims | Morning)

MARCH 1 (REDFISH Swims | Morning)


Take care!

Mark Bonikowsky | Principal

REDFISH Elementary School (SD8)

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