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Principal's MESSAGE (January 12, 2024)

Mark Bonikowsky

Dear REDFISH Families,

As we collectively enter the polar vortex, here are some REDFISH-related updates and housekeeping items to peruse over a warm drink…

DISTRICT PRO-D DAY (Monday, January 15, 2024)

Please note that schools across SD8 are NOT in session this Monday, January 15, 2024 as it is a District PRO-D Day. School will resume as usual on Tuesday, January 16, 2024.


Students in Homeroom 4 (Ms. GOGGINS) and Homeroom 5 (Ms. HODGSON) braved significantly sub-zero temperatures earlier today to enjoy an absolutely beautiful morning in the ski tracks and warming hut at Nelson Nordic Ski Club…

A group of people skiing in the snow</p>
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… On a day when schools across the district were cancelling outdoor activities, our REDFISH Kokanee bundled up and rolled on out to hone their Nordic skills. Thank you to the Nelson Nordic Ski Club for hosting and instructing our intermediate classes!


A group of REDFISH boys set aside some differences earlier this week and worked together to produce this impressive tower…

… It was a good reminder to all involved of the power of common ground… when we set aside our squabbles, realize there is actually strength in our diversity, and work together in community with intention and care.


If you have not already reached out, please email ASAP if any of the following apply…

  1. You are planning to register your child at another school for 2024/2025.
  1. You will be registering your child in kindergarten at REDFISH for 2024/2025. Please also complete a registration form and submit it to Laurel CONLEY ( in the front office at your earliest convenience.
  1. You are aware of another family with elementary-aged children who are planning to enrol at REDFISH for 2024/2025. Please encourage them to reach out to as well and as soon as possible.


As mentioned, REDFISH is heading offsite to take part in winter activities on the morning of FRIDAY, JANUARY 19. Students will be assigned to one of three groups (i.e. ice skating, indoor skateboarding/scootering, or indoor soccer). Please ensure your parent consent forms have been returned to your children’s homeroom teachers.


Click here for some fantastic parent resources from EASE at Home 8-12 around facing fears, taming worry and anxiety, battling procrastination, and so on. Although the document is geared toward parents of teens, much of the information is easily transferrable to our work with children in the elementary years.


JANUARY 15 (District PRO-D Day | No School)

JANUARY 19 (REDFISH Winter Activities Day | Morning)

JANUARY 22 (CBAL School-Wide Event | Afternoon)

JANUARY 27 (International Holocaust Remembrance Day)

FEBRUARY 2 (REDFISH Swims | Morning)

FEBRUARY 9 (REDFISH Swims | Morning)

FEBRUARY 16 (School PRO-D Day | No School)

FEBRUARY 23 (REDFISH Swims | Morning)

MARCH 1 (REDFISH Swims | Morning)


Happy Winter! Stay Warm!

Mark Bonikowsky | Principal

REDFISH Elementary School (SD8)

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