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International Holocaust Remembrance Day (January 27)

Mark Bonikowsky
International Holocaust Remembrance Day

January 7, 2024

Dear Parents and Guardians,

RE: International Holocaust Remembrance Day and SD8 Anti-Racism Initiatives

We hope this letter finds you well. As part of our ongoing commitment to fostering a safe, inclusive, and culturally sensitive learning environment, we are writing to inform you about the upcoming acknowledgment of International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27 across our school district.


On January 27, we will be commemorating International Holocaust Remembrance Day. This date marks the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, a concentration and extermination camp during the Holocaust. It is an important day for reflection, remembrance, and education about the atrocities of the Holocaust. All schools will be acknowledging this important day in different ways and with different age-appropriate learning activities.


In alignment with our commitment to anti-racism, cultural safety, and inclusivity, we are introducing tools to address racism within the school community. These initiatives are designed to promote understanding, empathy, and respect among our students.

For students in Kindergarten to Grade 4, we will be using the acronym "PEACE" to guide conversations about kindness, inclusion, and the celebration of diversity.

P - Play Together: Encourage students to play and engage with one another, fostering a sense of unity and friendship.

E - Everyone Matters: Everyone deserves kindness and fairness.

A - Act Kindly: Encourage acts of kindness, highlighting the positive impact of treating others well.

C - Care for Each Other: Teach the importance of caring for one another and creating a supportive environment.

E - Everyone Belongs: Reinforce the idea that everyone belongs and is an important part of the community.

For students in Grades 5 to 12, we will be implementing the acronym "RESPOND" to equip them with tools to address racism and discrimination respectfully and effectively.

R - Respectful Communication: Engage in respectful and calm communication, even if you disagree.

E - Educate: Provide information or resources that challenge stereotypes and promote understanding.

S - Set Boundaries: Clearly communicate your boundaries. You won't tolerate racist comments or behaviors.

P - Promote Empathy: Encourage empathy by asking others to consider the perspective of those affected by racism.

O - Open Dialogue: Encourage conversations where diverse opinions can be shared and discussed constructively.

N - No Tolerance: Make it clear that you have zero tolerance for racism. Stand firm.

D - Direct & Clear Engagement: Address the issue calmly but firmly, if it is possible. Share your concern with a safe adult.  Report to an educator with whom you feel comfortable and report with the ERASE tool.

These tools will be used district wide as we continue to teach the important skills of anti-racism to all students. That said, these acronyms are certainly useful to all adults as well.


We would like to draw your attention to our district policy on Anti-Racism and Cultural Safety, which can be found here, and the corresponding Administrative Procedure here. These documents outline our commitment to creating an environment free from discrimination while promoting cultural understanding and safety.


We encourage parents and guardians to engage with their children in conversations about International Holocaust Remembrance Day, and the importance of promoting peace and understanding. The district is currently working on updating the Anti-Racism section of its website, to further support you at home.

We value your partnership in fostering an environment that embraces diversity, equity, and respect. If you have any questions, concerns, ideas, and/or resources to support this important work, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher or the school administration.

Thank you for your continued support.



SD8 / REDFISH Elementary School

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Dr. Gail Higginbottom, SD8 District Principal

Aboriginal Education / Anti-Racism Leader

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